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We just went through 4 years of leftist censoring of the people for the speech and freedoms they didn't like and now we will go through 4 years of censorship from the right, for the speech and freedoms they don't like. Drink, swish, and spit. Same old, same old, every damn time. Same as it ever was…
I no longer believe either side when it comes to protecting free speech and self expression. Adults should be treated like adults and the government is not needed to protect us from words and the expression of others. If it is not hurting you, shut the hell up. Block, mute, turn the dial, switch it off, or ignore what you don't like. Don't fuck it up for others just because you don't like it.
Protect freedom of speech and self expression regardless of if you like it or not. If you can't do that, then... You are not a real patriotic American. You are nothing more than a hypocrite, not unlike the other side in many aspects. Get over your holier than thou attitude and stop being so damn nosey.
The partisan team crap wears on me. One of the biggest issues we have is a bunch of voters who see politics like it's a football game. No matter what their team does, you better not fault or slander them. The team is above reproach. Even when the replay clearly shows his foot went out of bounds, it's a conspiracy I tell you, the ref saw it wrong and the replay footage was doctored. Both sides play this heinous game of defending their corrupt teams. Afterall... Lesser of two evils and blah, blah, blah...
The media defends their side. The voters defend their side. The truth and what is right dies on the vine and both sides make excuses for their unmitigated hypocrisy. What a stinking corrupt system we have fostered and developed these many generations. There's no turning back the clock either. Not with the echo chambers and the monetization of the armchair political pundit. They need the ads to survive or they need to play for a team to pull in money directly. And you are beholden to some group, your point of view is skewed to grift on your audience. God forbid these people call out their own team in front of the people paying their bills. Pure sacrilege. Keep the lies and the hypocrisy intact so the grifter can sleep easily at night. Don’t rock the boat. Don’t step out of line. Don’t question the narrative… Same as it ever was…
I’m tired of it… I fully expect to lose some readers I’ve gathered in the last couple of years because I don’t shut up and defend the partisan line. If something is wrong or bad, I call it out, and often, because the Republicans in power are not that much different than the Democrats in power. Hubris and a thirst for that power becomes all consuming. Overbearing virtue exchanged for over bearing morality. What’s the difference. Both sides want to make you behave a certain way. When either side wins an election, they claim some sort of bullshit virtuous or moral mandate that doesn’t exist. The far left and the far right are great at muddying the waters and claiming the people want bullshit social engineering, when that was not what won the election at all.
Let’s look at some instances of the right fueled censorship on the horizon…