Some of the videos I’ve been watching lately have to do with: Guns, Cars, Music, and the Tokyo Christmas Lights in 4K. So without further ado…
My EDC (Everyday Carry)
This is a good video that shows off the EDC (Everyday Carry) firearm (S&W 329PD) that I carry. A good demonstration on why the .44 Magnum is intimidating enough to stop aggression on looks alone and also has the stopping power needed to back it up if someone actually does make a move.
And just an aside… I love recoil!!!
A Suppressor on a Desert Eagle
It can be done!!!
You can put a suppressor on a Desert Eagle.
What a timely video as we just watched Fringe and in one episode an assassin was killing people and he used a Desert Eagle with a suppressor.
First and foremost, one has to ask why any assassin would ever use a Desert Eagle in a hit since they are known for jamming. They really just look cool. That’s why Hollywood uses them. They are not practical for anything but taking them to shoot at the range where you have time to clear the inevitable jam.
Secondly, I didn’t know you could use a suppressor with them, and as we see here, you can. And he didn’t have a jam. That’s probably the most remarkable thing.
Thirdly… Take a listen to what a suppressed shot sounds like and then laugh at how Hollywood uses the silent “pew” sounds.
Ladies Support Your Man’s Hobby
Ladies… Support your man’s hobby for buying guns. They’re good investments. Even better, join him and make it a hobby for yourself too.
The 2025 Dodge Charger EV is a an Uglified Bastard
I would ask if it was a joke and we’re all being gaslit but no, no… we are not. The “engine sound” from this bastard is from a speaker to simulate the sound of an engine… That’s. Just. Dumb. This car is dumb. EVs are dumb. This timeline is dumb.
Rock is DEAD. And so are most other Genres. Thanks for Nothing to the Internet and Streaming.
I weep for what was when watching this…
Because sadly… The algorithmic curation is soulless and dead.
Music is Still Life
Perturbator is an elector outfit I found on Bandcamp that I’m rather obsessed with lately. Enough to buy their entire discography over there. He/they (Drummer is in the LIVE act. I’m not sure if it is a single person or a duo for the studio releases) put on a good show too.
Electro music is pretty easy to pull off a show doing. As easy as it is to DJ, and DJing is EASY. I used to do that back in the day… WAYYYYY BACK. For electro, throw a keyboard on the stage, have all of your triggers and sequences set up, and look like your working it to give the audience a good show. It’s going to sound awesome, you just have to sell the stage act (especially if you don’t have a singer).
I enjoyed this one.
Tokyo Christmas Lights in 4K
Tokyo knows how to do Christmas lights. I wish we had something even half as impressive in Georgia.
If you have a 4K TV or monitor, watch this video on it.
That’s it for now…. Have a Merry Christmas everyone.
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Merry Christmas. We just watched the Holdovers last night, and funny and sad Christmas movie, really touching.
I really like the sound of Perturbator and was wondering if there is a equivalent sound to this group?
Also, the Tokyo Lights stream reminded me if Christmas in Mérida, but on a much smaller scale. :)