What a long week already and 2 more days to go. First week on the new job and it is chaotic. Beyond chaotic. I have yet to meet a single person that has not threatened to walk out and/or wish the entire place sinks into a hole and descends into hell.
Not a single process in the place. ADHD at every corner for every employee. Nurf gun fights in the warehouse around the robots and Tannerite thrown in the parking lot behind the warehouse, to explode for the sheer joy of it. My life is a clown show now and I guess I'm not surprised the trend continues.
Today, a do nothing, white woman, sad excuse for a tech writer, located in Japan, used the phrase, “I worked at Google for 8 years,” as if that should mean she is an authority. It didn't work. By the end of the day, she was off the team. So… all-in-all I have some sway, even as a contractor. This is good, even though I've stepped onto a ship that seems to be sinking with every step I take. 9 people are being let go this week and another 30 are pissed that they weren't on the list of 9. Strange times indeed.
I can honestly say that I have never worked in a place so gloriously dysfunctional. Both of my managers have even threatened to walk away from it all in the last 3 days. When I’m the most positive person on the job, hell has frozen over and the devil is stark naked and roving the streets in despair for losing his home to the cold wave. And yet, it’s been FUN so far. Maybe I have some seriously deep seated issues, to be having this much fun with it. Who knows?
This may end up being a short gig if it all implodes but dammit all, what a ride!!!
The "F" in job stands for fun. (Actually, some jobs I've held have been pretty fun.)
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you! Keep a song in your heart and cue up the inner smart ass at every turn :}. Sometimes it can be fun watching it all unravel!