Apr 12Liked by The Bone Writer

What's ironic is that, if you posted this on social media, the most likely response would just be a "like".

I confess that I'm not very social these days. I don't want to go out; I don't want to talk to people; I want to tend my garden and play with my kids. And I'm a crappy gardener.

Interestingly, that means that I'm closer to a lot of people whom I only know online -- many of whom I've never met in real life -- than I am to my neighbors.

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This is something else I've noticed as well. I have more friends with the same interests, that I talk with online daily than IRL. These are people in various other states that would be cool to hang out with but... Distance.

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Apr 11Liked by The Bone Writer

Does this make you more willing to ask these questions of the people in your life now? I think those lingering questions didn't seem important when they happened but now that the opportunity for answers/closure have passed you realize how important those answers were/are to you. But in the moment, we think they are no big deal or not important enough to worry about. Maybe we didn't want to risk losing the relationship over something "trivial" only to realize it was a pivotal moment in your relationship or life direction.

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Probably not more willing. As I said, the rules evade me now. I could send most of them the question right now but... I probably won't because there's an expanse between everyone and everything these days. Simple trivial questions seem like things that are off limits. Maybe that's why everyone sticks to talking about the weather or even politics. It's something that has nothing to do with themselves directly.

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Apr 11Liked by The Bone Writer

I get that. We moved here about three years ago and making true friendships is more difficult than it was just 15 years ago when we last moved to a new region. I just figured it was because we were older. Maybe the electronic distance was more of a factor.

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Update: I did get a reply today on one of the questions asked. So that was cool. Nada from the other 2 but getting one reply back is better than none.

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Yesterday, I decided... screw it... let's try a 3 question outreach. 3 of the people were showing as online in Facebook (ugh) Messenger, so I shot off a nice opening greeting and then the question for each of them. And then I waited. I waited some more. Huh... they got offline. They got back online. I waited... Time for bed. Got up this morning, checked, and nothing. All were showing as online. Still nothing. At this point I'm not expecting a reply from any of the three.

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While I agree with you, I am unconvinced it is a bad thing given the state of "people". Even before the holocoof, it was pretty obvious that something was fundamentally missing from them, and the NPC meme is very real. In the past, I'd be forced around them and discriminated against if I wasn't interested.

I suppose there are still plenty seething that I've disengaged from soyciety, but it doesn't affect me so I can ignore it.

I couldn't name any of my neighbors if my life depended on it. And I know one key thing about them - they will steal my shit if given the opportunity, so I have no interest in changing that.

Ultimately, I have negative interest in engaging with others unless we have common interests. And I won't even ask about that shit offline, lest I encounter the zombie hordes in a place they can hurt me. Online they aren't very common either, but the chances are higher than absolute zero.

And the fail conditions aren't so bad either. Worst case is I point and laugh at some triggered NPC before pressing the magic button and making them go away, best case is all that and I have source material.

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It is not so daunting as the doubt cast by looking down into that shadow of doubt… Our first victory by merely looking to the heavens, and now smile if only in your heart knowing we have already won come what may pass is passed. Our lines will not be breached… Ours is the army of legend held forever in the arms of love and hope. Now chin up, always first order of battle.

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