This is an excellent example to use art to explain our present state of affairs. The self immolaters and Lewiston and Nashville shooters come to mind.

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Great article brother, think you're on to something here. Lately I've been contemplating the nature of TV and the internet in relation to mass shootings, it seems like mass shooters come from every level of society and that doesn't make sense to me, unless they've been programmed via whatever media they consume to commit their dastardly deeds. What if some combination of TV shows, music, and social media will cause someone to snap, and even they don't know why they're doing whatever it is they're doing? Combine their media consumption with psychotropic drugs like Zoloft, Abilify, or Prozac and you have a burgeoning psychopath.

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Whew. REALLY well-wrtten!.And thought-provoking.

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did you read the Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore book "the medium is the massage"?

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I have not. I'll look them up. 👍

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I only let substack tell me how to think !

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