Keep at it with the job applications. Pretty soon you won't need to pretend to be a bi-curious genderfluid dragonkin to get your application seen by a human being ... I hope. Here in the not-so-Great White North, they stopped considering white males for employment years ago. It's more than five years since I managed to get an interview (and everyone I talked to in that (group) interview was female and a few of them had danger-coloured hair ... I never had a chance).
I'm old enough now that I doubt I'll ever be hired for another job, but my son is finding it nearly as hard as I was to find a job. Larger companies and those that deal with various levels of government actively pursue hiring "diverse" staff, often well out-of-proportion to the general population. His last employer but one had a staff of a couple of hundred people and he was literally the "token white guy".
I saw where hiring for white people was only 6% and everyone else was the target, for 2024. Every application you enter, well, almost every, wants you to declare your race too.
I'm fairly frustrated at this point. I'm not exactly sure what I can transition too next.
From what I can tell, 99% of online applications are now filtered six ways from Sunday before ever being seen by an actual human. If you can figure out which terms trigger an autobounce and which trigger an autoaccept, you can craft your application to game the filters. I'm not saying you should lie ... but a certain amount of linguistic creativity might make your application that tiny bit more likely to get in front of a real person.
I still have a huge crush on Claudia Black.
Keep at it re job and goals. Something will arise usually out of left field.
Keep at it with the job applications. Pretty soon you won't need to pretend to be a bi-curious genderfluid dragonkin to get your application seen by a human being ... I hope. Here in the not-so-Great White North, they stopped considering white males for employment years ago. It's more than five years since I managed to get an interview (and everyone I talked to in that (group) interview was female and a few of them had danger-coloured hair ... I never had a chance).
Yeah... mid to late 20's females that lean progressive and are also ageist. That's what I'm finding.
I'm old enough now that I doubt I'll ever be hired for another job, but my son is finding it nearly as hard as I was to find a job. Larger companies and those that deal with various levels of government actively pursue hiring "diverse" staff, often well out-of-proportion to the general population. His last employer but one had a staff of a couple of hundred people and he was literally the "token white guy".
I saw where hiring for white people was only 6% and everyone else was the target, for 2024. Every application you enter, well, almost every, wants you to declare your race too.
I'm fairly frustrated at this point. I'm not exactly sure what I can transition too next.
From what I can tell, 99% of online applications are now filtered six ways from Sunday before ever being seen by an actual human. If you can figure out which terms trigger an autobounce and which trigger an autoaccept, you can craft your application to game the filters. I'm not saying you should lie ... but a certain amount of linguistic creativity might make your application that tiny bit more likely to get in front of a real person.